Slides of my talks

Developments in Higher-Dimensional Automata Theory at Highlights 2024, 19 September.
Presenting Interval Pomsets with Interfaces at RAMiCS, 22 August.
Developments in Higher-Dimensional Automata Theory at RAMiCS, 19 August.
Logic and Languages of Higher-Dimensional Automata at DLT, 14 August.
Presenting Interval Pomsets with Interfaces at DLT, 13 August.
Extensions of Automata: Concurrent, Timed, Hybrid. Foundations of Security and Concurrency, Oslo, 3 July.
Quantitative Verification: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Séminaire 68NQRT, IRISA Rennes, 4 April.
Directed Topology and Concurrency: A Personal View. IRIF/PPS seminar, 21 March.
Quantitative Verification: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. IRIF/Verification seminar, 11 March.
Chasing Arrows in Categories Containing Functors and Monads at, 16 February.
Generating Posets With and Without Interfaces, (i)Po(m)set Project Online Seminar, 16 February.
Energy Büchi Problems at RP 2023, 13 October.
Higher-Dimensional Automata Theory at RP 2023, 12 October.
Higher-Dimensional Automata Theory. Warsaw automata seminar, 6 September.
An Invitation to Higher-Dimensional Automata Theory at NCM 29, 5 July.
A Myhill-Nerode Theorem for Higher-Dimensional Automata at PETRI NETS 2023, 28 June.
Higher-Dimensional Timed Automata, Ticktac project meeting, 9 June.
Energy Büchi Problems at AFADL 2023, 6 June.
Some Unsolved and Unsolvable Problems in Mathematics. Student Seminar, Collège Pierre de Dreux, Saint Aubin de Cormier, 2 June.
Robotique distribuée : théorie et pratique at Submeeting 2023, 26 April.
Energy Büchi Problems at SynCoP 2023, 23 April.
2-Categories with Lax Tensors, With a Motivation from Concurrency Theory at SYCO 11, 20 April. Video
2-Categories with Lax Tensors, With a Motivation from Concurrency Theory. IRIF/Categories working group, 17 March.
Tony Hoare et les lois de programmation. Student Seminar, EPITA Rennes, 15 February.
An Invitation to Higher-Dimensional Automata Theory. IRIF/Automates seminar, 10 February.
A Generic Approach to Quantitative Verification. LRE/AA seminar, 2 February.
Higher-Dimensional Timed Automata. Invited talk, FEANICSES 2022 workshop, 5 December.
An Invitation to Higher-Dimensional Automata Theory. Research Seminar, EPITA Paris, 27 October.
Languages of Higher-Dimensional Automata at Highlights 2022, 1 July.
Some Unsolved and Unsolvable Problems in Mathematics. Student Seminar, Collège Pierre de Dreux, Saint Aubin de Cormier, 20 June.
Posets With and Without Interfaces. Research Seminar, EPITA Rennes, 13 June.
Directed Topology and Concurrency. Invited tutorial at GETCO 2022, 30 May. Video
A Generic Approach to Quantitative Verification. Habilitation defence, Université Paris-Saclay, 10 May.
Tony Hoare et les lois de programmation. Student Seminar, EPITA Rennes, 21 December.
Posets with Interfaces as a Model for Concurrency. Séminaire 68NQRT, IRISA Rennes, 16 November.
Languages of Higher-Dimensional Automata at RAMiCS 2021, 5 November.
Behavioral Specification Theories at ISoLA 2021, 28 October.
La vérification formelle pour assurer la sureté des systèmes cyber-physiques. Student Seminar, EPITA, 11 September.
Featured Games at TASE 2021, 26 August.
Posets with Interfaces at WATA 2020/2021, 19 April.
Generating Posets Beyond N, P&A seminar, 17 February.
Generating Posets Beyond N, LRDE seminar, 10 February.
Languages of Higher-Dimensional Automata via Pomset Objects, Journées LHC 2021, 5 February.
Underwater Robotics: a Prospective, AID seminar, 3 November.
Generating Posets Beyond N at RAMiCS-18, 27 October. Video
Star-Continuous Ésik Algebras: Theory and Applications, Tokyo, 27 February.
Behavioral Specification Theories, Louvain-la-Neuve, 10 February.
The Quantitative Linear-Time–Branching-Time Spectrum, Tokyo, 19 November.
Computing Branching Distances Using Quantitative Games at ICTAC 2019, 2 November.
Behavioral Specification Theories, Sheffield, 27 June.
Theory and Practice of Distributed Robotics, Toulouse, 17 June.
Energy Automata, Energy Functions, Kleene Algebra, Oldenburg SCARE seminar, 31 January.
Pomset Languages of Higher-Dimensional Automata, Journées LHC 2018, 17 October.
Energy Automata, Energy Functions, Kleene Algebra at NIK 2018, 19 September.
Higher-Dimensional Timed Automata at GETCO 2018, 12 September.
Optimal and Robust Controller Synthesis at FM 2018, 16 July.
Higher-Dimensional Timed Automata at ADHS 2018, 12 July.
Distributed Computing by Oblivious Mobile Robots, MRIS project meeting, 14 March.
Featured Weighted Automata at FormaliSE@ICSE 2017, 27 May.
Compatibility Flooding: Measuring Interaction of Services Interfaces at ACM SAC 2017, 5 April.
Behavioral Specification Theories, MALTHY project meeting, 27 January.
A Linear-Time–Branching-Time Spectrum of Behavioral Specification Theories at SOFSEM 2017, 16 January.
La vérifiation formelle pour assurer la sureté des systèmes cyber-physiques, Jeudi X, 12 January. Video.
Behavioral Specification Theories, MRIS project meeting, 24 November.
Pomset Languages of Higher-Dimensional Automata at NWPT 2016, 1 November.
Timed Automata and Friends, MRIS project meeting, 13 June.
*-Continuous Kleene ω-Algebras: Theory and Applications at WATA 2016, 28 April.
What is Known about Weighted Games? at WATA 2016, 25 April.
A *-Continuous Kleene ω-Algebra for Real-Time Energy Problems at FSTTCS 2015, 17 December.
Partial Higher-Dimensional Automata, LIX Cosynus seminar, 26 November.
A *-Continuous Kleene ω-Algebra for Real-Time Energy Problems, MALTHY project meeting, 2 November.
*-Continuous Kleene ω-Algebras at FICS 2015, 12 September.
Partial Higher-Dimensional Automata, CALCO 2015, 25 June.
Measuring Behaviour Interactions between Product-Line Features at FormaliSE 2015, 18 May.
Measuring Global Similarity between Texts at SLSP 2014, 14 October.
Configurable Formal Methods for Extreme Modeling at XM 2014, 29 September.
Structural Refinement for the Modal nu-Calculus at ICTAC 2014, 19 September.
A Compositional Algebra of Specifications at QuantLA research seminar, 17 June.
From Linear to Branching Distances: The Role of Recursion at Quantitative Models: Expressiveness, Analysis, and New Applications (Dagstuhl seminar), 24 January.
Kleene Algebras and Semimodules for Energy Problems at Quantitative Models: Expressiveness, Analysis, and New Applications (Dagstuhl seminar), 20 January.
Generalized Quantitative Analysis of Metric Transition Systems at APLAS 2013, 10 December.
Kleene Algebras and Semimodules for Energy Problems at ATVA 2013, 16 October.
Generalized Quantitative Analysis of Metric Transition Systems at MEALS 2013, 31 August.
Refinement and Difference for Probabilistic Automata at QEST 2013, 27 August.
History-Preserving Bisimilarity for Higher-Dimensional Automata via Open Maps. LICS 2013 short presentation, 27 June.
History-Preserving Bisimilarity for Higher-Dimensional Automata via Open Maps at MFPS XXIX, 24 June.
General Quantitative Specification Theories (with Modalities) at CSR 2012, 3 July.
Büchi Conditions for Generalized Energy Automata at WATA 2012, 30 May.
The Quantitative Linear-Time--Branching-Time Spectrum. CEA LIST MeASI seminar, Saclay, 5 April.
The Quantitative Linear-Time--Branching-Time Spectrum. LaBRI seminar, Bordeaux, 29 March.
The Quantitative Linear-Time--Branching-Time Spectrum. CISS breakfast talk, Aalborg University, 31 January.
The Quantitative Linear-Time--Branching-Time Spectrum. Séminaire 68NQRT, IRISA Rennes, 12 January.
The Quantitative Linear-Time--Branching-Time Spectrum at FSTTCS 2011, 12 December.
Quantitative Refinement for Weighted Modal Transition Systems at MFCS 2011, 22 August.
Playing Games with Metrics: Distances for Weighted Transition Systems at QAPL 2011, 3 April.
Playing Games with Metrics: Distances for Weighted Transition Systems. Séminaire 68NQRT, IRISA Rennes, 6 January.
Playing Games with Metrics. Topology seminar, Aalborg University, 26 November.
From linear to branching distances and back (via games). MT-Lab seminar, 18 June.
Quantitative analysis: Examples, applications, generalities. IST Austria seminar, 19 May.
Linear and branching distances for weighted automata at WATA 2010, 4 May.
To use model checking for control design at MLQA 2009, 28 March.
Discounting in time at QAPL 2009, 28 March.
Multi-product batch plant at a DaNES meeting, 13 March.
Infinite runs in priced timed automata: Discounting. CISS breakfast talk, Aalborg University, 25 February.
Infinite runs in priced timed automata: Discounting at QUASIMODO-3, 17 February.
Discount-optimal infinite runs in priced timed automata at INFINITY 2008, 23 August.
EXPTIME-complete decision problems for modal and mixed specifications at EXPRESS 2008, 23 August.
Simulation hemi-metrics for timed systems, with relations to ditopology at ATMCS 2008, 7 July.
Quantitative aspects of behavioural equivalence for real-time systems. CISS breakfast talk, Aalborg University, 29 May.
How to pull back open maps along semantics functors at ACCAT 2008, 30 March.
"Inverse semantics" for timed automata. CISS talk, Aalborg University, 27 November.
A category of higher-dimensional automata at FoSSaCS 2005, 6 April.
Bisimulation for higher-dimensional automata: a geometric interpretation at the Fields-Ottawa Workshop on the Geometry of Very Large Data Sets, 25 February.
Towards directed homology at CMCIM/GETCO 2003, 6 April.